New comer of GIS field might confuse on GIS format. I think this is not a problem at time, cause ESRI already be GIS standard in many country. Today, we will talk about the GIS data, to help reader can easily understanding GIS file format.
There are two big families of GIS data, one is Vector-base, another is Raster-base. Continue or Discontinue is the different point of this two families. The Vector-base data such as point, Line, and polygon are discontinue, cause they use the geometry to identify phenomenon of really world. But Raster-base data usually use the image to catch things on the ground.
向量式資料又分文拓樸與非拓樸資料(下一篇就會介紹到拓樸資料的建立),早期GIS在資料建立的時候,強調位相關係(拓樸Topology),如AutoCAD Map,ArcInfo軟體等;係因早期GIS資料的建立比較屬於圖資數化,而CAD Base的工具基本上只有點、線的物件定義,在面形資料上的定義就需要拓樸來協助,載明線與線的關係,並且定義關聯性成為面形物件。
現今,GIS軟體已經相當成熟,所以大多數的資料如:ESRI Shape file及MapInfo TAB檔案都不需要拓樸定義就可以快速、輕易的定義點、線、面物件。因此,拓樸學在GIS中就很少再被提起。
筆者早年學習GIS時,是從AutoCAD Map R2版本入門,當年要建立一個面形數化資料,並且建立物件資料,最後轉換為ESRI Shape File檔案,就需要使用到拓樸的定義。不然,無法在CAD Base中產生面形資料,提供其他GIS軟體使用。當年,光宜蘭縣地圖筆者化了將近四、五十遍。然而,建立拓樸前,還需要進行圖面清理等作業,真的相當累人。
For Vector-base, there are two type, one is Topology, another is non-topology data. Topology data usually use in CAD-base software, cause CAD tools present phenomenon by point and line object. The polygon in CAD base is a collection of line object. So, it needs topology to identify relationship of geometry. Recently, most of GIS tools using non-topology data, cause the GIS software can handle geometry well, not like CAD-base.
However, in my view point, I still think the topology is an important concept of GIS user. it help you more clear how GIS software process the spatial data.
In the past, most Vector base data are created by surveying, today the RS technology change it! most of data build by digitizing and base on Airphoto.
網格式資料通常作為GIS的底圖,套會在向量式資料下方,常用於現地的顯示(如:空照圖、衛星影像)。當然在網格式資料中,還區分有Grid與Raster資料兩種。筆者不想疑惑讀者,最簡單的區分,只要可以清楚的看見真實世界的地形、地物的網格資料,都可以稱之為Raster Image(如空照圖、衛星影像)。反之,套繪在地圖中,需要輔助判識或專業解讀者,都可以稱為Grid資料(如:地形分析DEM網格、坡度、坡向、空間分析成果、淹水區域格網等);係因為一般需要透過圖例或是格網的資料值才可以判識、應用Grid資料。
What is Raster-base data? it usually be used for overlapping and be the back ground of map on the screen. For raster data, there are also two type "Raster" & "Grid" and you can in divide by "readable". For Raster type, we can recognize by eye; but Grid, you need tool or knowledge to get info. Grid data usually using for analyst.
格網資料相當重要,由其以Grid資料作為空間分析的基礎。很多我們現在看到的空間分析,如淹水、崩坍地、潛勢圖等,都是利用Grid的數據分析所產生的。Grid資料的值可以提供計算、疊合、3D展示等。當然,Raster Image也是目前GIS製圖的重要依據之一。